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时间: 2014/05/28   作者:   点击:


    孙志良, 男,19658月生,博士,教授,博士生导师。19897月毕业于大阳城集团娱乐游戏兽医专业,获学士学位;19987月毕业于大阳城集团娱乐游戏,获兽医病理学硕士学位;200312月毕业于大阳城集团娱乐游戏,获生物化学与分子生物学博士学位。1990年被聘为助教,1995年晋升为讲师,2000年晋升为副教授,2005年晋升为教授。现任农业部第五届兽药评审专家、中国兽药典第四届委员会委员、农业部兽药残留专家委员会委员、农业部教材建设专家委员会委员、中国畜牧兽医学会兽医药理毒理学分会常务理事、国家植物功能成分利用工程技术研究中心生物兽药分中心主任、湖南省121人才工程人选、湖南省兽药工程技术研究中心技术总监、湖南省兽药饲料监察所药物安全性评价及临床疗效基地主任、大阳城集团娱乐游戏兽药研究所所长等。自参加工作以来主要从事教学及科研工作,先后承担了本科生的兽医药理学、兽医毒理学二门课程的教学,承担了硕士研究生的高级兽医药理学、中药药理学教学,博士研究生的兽医临床药理学教学工作。科研的主要领域是药物新制剂及中草药有效成份的药效学研究,研究领域得到国家自然科学基金、科技部、湖南省科技重大专项及重点项目等多项资助。近10年来参与国家863项目、农业部兽药残留标准制定项目等省部级课题20余项。获湖南省科技进步奖三等奖4项,授权发明专利3项,在国内外学术刊物上发表论文100多篇、SCI收录20余篇。主编或参编全国统编教材或著作6部。



1.       子课题:一类新兽药香兰素查尔酮原料药及制剂研究(课题名称:兽药分子设计与产品创制;课题编号:2011AA10A214)、国家863计划项目子课题,2012.1-2015.12145万元。

2.       新型制剂技术的研究与开发(2012FJ1004-3),湖南省科技厅重点项目,2012.07-2015.06,主持;34

3.       一种长效抗菌药物油乳剂及其制备方法(1016DB0215),湖南泰谷生物有限公司,2011.10-2014.02,主持;

4.       动物性食品中氟尼辛残留检测方法-LC-MS/MS法,农业部,2010-2011,主持,28万元;

5.       血管生成素样蛋白促动物酮病发生及天然多酚调控机理(31072167),国家自然科学基金面上项目,35万元,2011.01-2013.12,主持;

6.       兽用抗生素靶向制剂的研制与应用(2009GJD20048),国家科技部,2009.07-2011.06,主持,30万元;

7.       新型兽用抗菌药物靶向制剂的研制与应用(2008NK2007),湖南省科技厅重点项目,2008.01-2010.12,主持,28万元;

8.       生猪适度规模清洁养殖模式集成与示范(2009FJ1005),湖南省科技厅重大专项,2009.09-2012.09,子项目主持,40万元;       

9.       兽用新型抗体靶向药物制剂对细菌性疾病的疗效(Bk0846),湖南省畜牧水产局,2007-2009,主持,5万元;

10.   抗菌抗病毒中兽药产业化开发与生产(2009B090300125),广东省科技厅,2009.06-2011.12,主持,5万元;

11.   安全高效兽药研制与产业化,长沙市科技计划重大专项,2009.01-2012.12,主持,30万元;

12.   庆大霉素与大肠杆菌抗体结合物的药效学研究(2007NK3087),湖南省科技厅,2007-2010,主持,3万元;

13.   植物源性药物添加剂在健康养殖中的药效学研究(06FJ3170),湖南省科技厅,2007-2009,主持;

14.   白毛藤多糖对禽流感疫苗的免疫增强作用研究(06NK2003-2),湖南省科技厅重点项目,2006-2009,主要负责人;

15.   实验动物人畜共患病血清学调查(06SD3005),湖南省科技厅,2006-2008,主持;

16.   长效吡喹酮脂质体的研究(CZ0005),湖南省卫生厅,2005-2007,主持;

17.   白毛藤生物碱抗病毒效果及作用机理研究(04B026),湖南省教育厅,2004-2007,主持;

18.   白毛藤多糖的优化提取及免疫药理学研究(SR0296),湖南省长沙市,2005-2008,主持;




1.       Zhihang Yuan , Froilan Bernard Matias , Jing Wu , Zengenni Liang Zhi-Liang Sun*  Coincidentally Associated with Inhibition of NF-kB , ERK and p38 Pathways  International Journal of Molecular Sciences  doi:10.3390/ijms17030430

2.       Da-Sheng Zhang , Yuan-Yi Li , Xiao-Jun Chen , Yu-Juan Li , Zhao-Ying Liu , Wen-Jian Xie , Zhi-Liang Sun*  BCL2 promotor methylation and miR-15a/16-1 upregulation is associated with sanguinarine-induced apoptotic death in rat HSC-T6 cells Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 127(2015) 135-144;

3.       Da-Sheng Zhang, Zhao-Ying Liu, Yu-juan Li, Zhi-Liang Sun*.NQO1 involves in the imine bond reduction of  sanguinarine and recombinant adeno-associated virus mediated NQO1 overexpression decreases sanguinarine-induced cytotoxicity in rat BRL cells. Toxicology  Letters  225 (2014) 119-129.

4.       Yong Wu, Zhao-Ying Liu, Yan Cao, Xiao-Jun Chen, Jian-Guo Zeng,Zhi-Liang Sun*. Reductive metabolism of the sanguinarine iminium bond by rat liver preparations. Pharmacological Reports, Volume 65 ,pages 1391-1400, 2013.

5.       Hui Wang,, Guohua Yin,, Chun-hong Yu, Yueshang Wang, Zhi-Liang Sun*. Inhibitory effect of sanguinarine on PKC-CPI-17 pathway mediatingby muscarinic receptors in dispersed intestinal smooth muscle cells. Research in Veterinary Science xxx (2013) xxx–xxx.

6.       Chun-Hong Yu, Zhao-Ying Liu,, Lei-Sheng Sun, Yu-Juan Li, Da-Sheng Zhang, Ren-Tao Pan Zhi-Liang Sun*."Effect of Danofloxacin on Reactive Oxygen Species Production,Lipid Peroxidation and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in KidneyTubular Epithelial Cell Line, LLC-PK1"Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology   doi:10.1111/bcpt.12110

7.       Xiaojun Chen, Xiaofeng Yang, Tianjiao Liu, Mingfeng Guan, Xiangru Feng , Wei Dong , Xiao Chu , Jing Liu , Xiuli Tian , Xinxin Ci , Hongyu Li , Jingyuan Wei , Yanhong Deng , Xuming Deng ,Gefu Chi , Zhiliang Sun*. Kaempferol regulates MAPKs and NF-κB signaling pathways to attenuate LPS-induced acute lung injury in miceInternational Immunopharmacology , Volume 14 pages 209–2162012.

8.       Xiao-jun CHEN, Xia BAI, Pei MAI, Jie CAI, Zhao-ying LIU, Hui WANG, Hong-bo XIAO, DONG Wei, Shui-lian WANG, Zhi-liang SUN *.  Angiopoietin-Like Protein 3 Expression is Down-Regulated in Experimentally Pregnant Toxemic GoatsJournal of Integrative Agriculture, Volume 11, Issue 7, pages 101-108 , 2012.

9.       Zhao-Ying Liu, Chun-Hong Yu, Leren Wan, Zhi-Liang Sun*. Fragmentation study of five trichothecenes using electrospray hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry with accurate mass measurements. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 309 pages 133-140,2012.

10.   Zhao-Ying Liu, Yong Wu, Zhi-Liang Sun*, Leren Wan. Characterization of in vitro metabolites of trimethoprim and diaveridine in pig liver microsomes by liquid chromatography combined with hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Biomedical Chromatography , Volume 26 pages 1101-1108 , 2012 .

11.   DS Zhang, ZY Liu, XJ Chen, GW Kuang, RT Pan, ZL Sun*. Investigation of ANGPTL3 expression, exon sequence and promotormethylation between Ningxiang and Changbai pigs . African Health Sciences . Volume 4 pages 522 – 529 , 2012 .

12.   Wei Dong; Xiaojun Chen; Ke Liu; Haitao Chen; Zhiliang Sun*. Serum antibody conjugates with gentamicin sulfated targeted to the E. coli for the treatment of colibacillosis. Research in Veterinary Science, Volume 91 pages 136-1432011.

13.   Liu Z, Zhang H, Chen X, Zhou X, Wan L and Sun ZL*. Structural elucidation of degradation products of olaquindox under stressed conditions by accurate mass measurements using electrospray ionization hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 303 Issue 2-3 pages 90-962011.

14.   Liu Z, Zhou X, Zhang H, Wan L and Sun ZL*. An integrated method for degradation products detection and characterization using hybrid ion trap/time-of-flight mass spectrometry and data processing techniques: Application to study of the degradation products of danofloxacin under stressed conditions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry ,Volume 399, Issue 7, pages 2475-24862011.

15.   Hong-Bo Xiao *, Xin-Wei Niu , Zhi-Liang Sun * .Kaempferol reduces angiopoie tin-like protein 4 expression to improve carcass characteristics and meat quality traits in Holstein steers . Livestock Science, Volume 145 , pages 219222, 2012.

16.   Hong-Bo Xiao , Jun-Fang , Xiang-Yang Lu , Xiao-jun Chen , Chao-Tan , Zhi-Liang Sun * .Protective effects of kaempferol against endothelial damage by an improvement in nitric oxide production and a decrease in asymmetric dimethylarginine level.European Journal of Pharmacology,Volume 616 ,pages 213222, 2009.

17.   Hong-Bo Xiao ; Xiang-Yang Lu ; Yuan-Jian Li ; Jian-Ping Xu ; Zhi-Liang Sun* .      Effect of 3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyxanthone on erythrocyte deformability in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,Volume 11, No. 7,pages 643–651,2009.

18.   Hongbo Xiao, JunFang, Xiangyang Lu, Zhikui Liu, Xiaojun Chen, Jinhui Liu,Jianming Su, Jine Yi, and Zhiliang Sun*. Protective effect of soluble fiber from Undaria pinnatifida on vascular endothelium in hypercholesterolemic rabbits.CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE,Volume 89, Issue 3,pages 361367,2009.





3.兽医药物代谢动力学(十一.五规划教材).中国农业出版社.2007.08       参编


5.兽药产品说明书范本 第一册 中国农业出版社2013.10 参编

6.粪污处理主推技术中国农业科学技术出版社 2013.06 参编















1.  一种长效抗菌药物油乳剂及其制备方法(201010113393)发明人:董伟;李孝文;孙志良




